Alief Reads

"Empowering Minds, Guiding Futures"

Literacy MENtors Needed!

Alief ISD Literacy Mentors, Scan the QR code to Volunteer, Contact

Contact Information

Amanda Materre, PR & Communications

Manager of Digital & Web Services

Office: 281.498.8110 ext. 29218

E-mail Amanda Materre

What is Alief Reads?

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Dr. Mays at the Kendra Scott Foundation Library Event

Alief ISD Literacy MENtors is a reading initiative to increase children’s success in school through read-aloud experiences with caring volunteers while at the same time encouraging male involvement in our schools. Through this initiative, male reading volunteers commit one hour, once per month, to read a book to a class of third-grade students. 

We invite you volunteer to support our efforts to support our student's success.

Click here to volunteer