Board Election Information
To be a Board of Trustee, you must be
18 years of age on the date taking office
Citizen of the United States
Resident of Alief ISD for at 6 months
Resident of Texas for at least 12 months
Not been finally convicted of a felony
Not been determined by final judgment of a court exercising probate jurisdiction to be totally mentally incapacitated or partially mentally incapacitated without the right to vote
Registered to vote in Alief ISD
Board Trustee applications are posted on the Texas Secretary of State website and can also be accessed through this link. The completed application must be submitted to Edith Williams, Alief ISD Administration Building (4250 Cook Road, Houston, TX 77072) by the deadline as determined by the Texas Secretary of State.
Next Board Election Information By Board Position
Positions 4, 5, 6 and 7
July 19, 2025 (first day to file for place on ballot)
August 18, 2025 (last day to file for place on ballot)
November 4, 2025 (Election Day)
Positions 1, 2 and 3
July 17, 2027 (first day to file for place on ballot)
August 16, 2027 (last day to file for place on ballot)
November 2, 2027 (Election Day)