Debt Information
Debt Obligation
The Business and Support Services Department is responsible for preparing financial reports and debt information that promote transparency and accountability.
The information below shows debt obligation as of August 31, 2024.

Debt Information Summary
Long-term debt consists of bonds payable, provision for compensated absences, claims payable, right-to-use lease and subscriptions payable, net pension liability, and net OPEB liability. Bonds are payable solely from future revenues of the Debt Service Fund. The District is in compliance with all significant bond compliance requirements. Claims are payable from the Internal Service Funds. Other long-term liabilities may be liquidated with resources of the General Fund or Special Revenue Fund . Additional information on long-term debt may be found in the Notes to the Financial Statements section of the District’s Annual Comprehensive Financial Report. See Notes 8, 11, 12, 13, and 14 for disclosures regarding each category of long-term debt. .
A summary of long-term debt transactions of the District for the year ended August 31, 2024, follows:

Tax-Supported Debt Trend

Inflation Adjusted Tax-Supported Debt Per Student Trend

Outstanding Bonds Payable
Ratio of Tax-Supported Debt to Assessed Value

Bond Elections
The most recent bond election held by Alief ISD was the 2021 Bond Referendum. Alief ISD has not held any subsequent bond elections.
2021 Bond Referendum
Alief ISD voters approved Proposition A ($482,585,000), Proposition B ($9,095,000), and Proposition D ($30,590,000) of the 2021 bond referendum on November 2, 2021 for a grand total of $522,270,000. As of August 31, 2024 the District has issued $133,590,000 for Proposition A projects such as carpet replacements, classroom additions, school buses, police vehicles, music and art equipment, securing building entries and libraries, an agriculture science center, as well as various other facility assessment projects. The District has issued $7,475,000 for Proposition B projects, such as turf, tennis court resurfacing, dugouts, scoreboards and track replacements.
2015 Bond Referendum
Alief ISD voters approved the 2015 bond referendum on May 9, 2015 totaling $341,000,000. The approval rating for the referendum was 72.3 percent as 830 votes were cast for the referendum and 318 votes cast against the referendum. The District issued the remaining bonds from this referendum in June, 2021.
2003 Bond Referendum
On September 20, 2003, an election was held, and the voters authorized bonds of $175,000,000 by a vote of 1,264 for (89%) and 150 against. The proceeds were for two elementary schools, renovations, additions, and maintenance to existing campuses including enclosing classrooms at the elementary schools. The District issued the remaining bonds from this referendum in June, 2021.
Authorized but Unissued Bonds
As of August 31, 2024 the authorized but unissued balance from the 2021 bond referendum is as follows:

Bond Status

Links and Other Information
Outstanding Tax-Supported Debt Time Trend for the Last Five Years
Adopted Budget (Prior year debt information included here)
Texas Bond Review Board Local Government Debt Data Alief ISD continues to have one of the lowest debt/student ratio and debt per capita ratio in the Region/Area.