TIA in Alief ISD

Alief is proud to announce that almost all certified teachers in all subjects, including electives, are eligible to receive a TIA designation. Earning a designation is a two year process. The first year, data is collected from the teacher and their students. The second year, that data is used to determine whether the teacher met the requirements to earn a designation. If a designation is earned, it is submitted to TEA for approval in October of the second year. Approval of teacher designations is announced in Spring, and confirmation of bonus amounts are shared with teachers in May. Teachers must remain in Alief during both the data collection and the data submission years for their designation to become official.

Alief ISD is honored to have a total of 183 TIA-designated teachers serving in our district with plans to add hundreds many more in the near future.

TIA designations in Alief ISD are based on three components:

  1. T-TESS Teacher Oberservations

  2. Student Growth

  3. Student Perception Surveys

Scores in these three components are then used to calculate an overall TIA score. Teachers who meet certain minimum scores are then submitted for a designation. There is no limit to the number of teachers that are eligible to earn a designation. Any teacher meeting the minimum score requirements will be designated.

TIA Snapshot

Click here for the link to the TIA Snapshot

TIA Key Messages

Ultimately, TIA aims to put children at the forefront by recruiting, retaining, and rewarding highly effective teachers.

Recruit: Secure teachers for priority schools or grade bands

Retain: Keep effective educators in the classroom

Reward: Ensure top teachers who become designated are rewarded with additional compensation

TIA Contact Information

If you have questions regarding TIA, please email AliefTIAQuestions@aliefisd.net.