Attendance Recovery Coordinator
Email Toni Smith
281-988-3500 extension 28123

What should I do for an absence?
Students who have been absent or tardy must present an excuse from the doctor, parents or guardian when they return to school. Parents or clinics may also fax excuse notes to the attendance office (281-988-3407) or email excuse notes to the ATHS Attendance Office
ATHS Attendance Resources
ATHS Attendance Office Contact Information
Toni Smith
Luz Alvarado
Attendance Clerk
281-988-3500, ext. 28111
Wendy Rangel Furlan
Attendance Clerk
281-988-3500, ext. 28110
Bushra Khaliq
Attendance Clerk
281-988-3500, ext. 28113
Attendance Office Fax Number: