Important Parent Information
Should My Child Be At Home
Following is a list of common ailments your child may have. These guidelines are designed to assist in your decision-making process as to whether or not to send your child to school. Your doctor will assist you to determine if your child needs to be seen for an office visit. The goal of these guidelines is to reduce the spread of communicable diseases at school and to promote a healthy environment for students attending school.Flu Bedbugs, Lice Information
Detailed information on Flu Prevention, Head Lice, and BedbugsMedication Administration
All emergency medications, including but not limited to asthma medications, epinephrine, diabetic medications, diastat, and oxygen, should be administered with a physician order and emergency action plan. All medication has to be given through the Nurse.Physician Consent Forms
Forms that you will need to have turned in to the campus nurse. They include Parental consent to administer medication, Physicians request for medication to be administered at school, Asthma Action Plan, and the Central Texas Asthma Plan.