School History
Frank Liestman Elementary
At the turn of the century, just beyond Synott Road and Westheimer, Frank F. Liestman built his home and resided there for 56 years. He farmed cotton, then raised rice and later bought and sold cattle. Three of his four daughters attended Alief schools from first grade through graduation.
Frank Liestman first served on the Board of Education in 1917 and continued to serve, off and on, for over 20 years. He served as secretary and treasurer of the Board and later served as tax-collector/assessor and census taker for the district. In 1926 he helped build the Alief auditorium, using his truck to haul materials and helping with the construction. Before electricity was brought to Alief, a Delco light plant was installed at the school. Mr. Liestman maintained the light plant so that the school had no maintenance costs. He always saw that there was plenty of fuel for all of the schools during the winter months.