Olle Orchestra Teacher

Robert Hwang

Robert Hwang

A violin teacher since 2004, Robert Hwang has extensive experience working with students of all ages and skill levels. Graduating from the University of Oklahoma, where he worked with Sooner String Project. Earning his Music Education degree allowed him to work at the high school nearby while still giving lessons to students at the University. Since 2006, he has been living in Houston, teaching Orchestra in public schools, and working with students to help them compete at a high level.

Since graduating, Robert began teaching in Oklahoma for several years before moving to Houston. He has continued his work with several public schools producing wonderful students who have continued in music. His efforts also extend to private students who wish to further expand their knowledge. He is also the Orchestra Director at Houston Chinese Church, performing twice a year for special services.

As an educator, Robert believes in providing classical training and teaching his students how to read and write music. Students will be nurtured in a musically motivating way, providing them the drive to discover and explore their musical interests. Additionally, Robert understands that each student is different and knows how to tailor each lesson to meet the needs of the student. Now as part of the Mighty Olle Owls Middle School Orchestra, he hopes to pass on his musical passion to others who will do the same

Email Robert Hwang

Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Music Education from the University of Oklahoma

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