Alief ISD Heat Guidelines for Outdoor Activities

Alief ISD Heat Guidelines for Outdoor Activities
Any time the temperature reaches 106 degrees and above, all outdoor workouts and/or practices are moved inside, regardless of the heat index.
ATTENTION: P.E. classes, recess, extra-curricular activities, i.e. Marching Band, Color Guard, Drill Team, Cheerleading, JROTC, Athletics, et. al. - Click here for more info on the official Alief ISD temperature and relative humidity for determining the heat index.
Principals shall use good judgment in regard to which activities should be held.
Unlimited amounts of cool water shall be provided at the site of any outdoor activities.
High school outdoor workouts and /or practices are limited to 2 hours with a 10-minute break every 45 minutes.
All "conditioning" should take place without uniforms or multiple layers of clothing.
Students are allowed to remove any headgear if they are not actively participating.
Any running distance will be limited to ½ the normal distance.
Middle school outdoor workouts and/or practices are limited to 1 ½ hours with a 10-minute break every 30 minutes.
Participants must have unrestricted access to water at all times.
High school outdoor workouts and /or practices are limited to 2 hours with a 10-minute break every 45 minutes.
All "conditioning" should take place without uniforms or multiple layers of clothing and should not exceed 10 minutes.
Students are allowed to remove any headgear if they are not actively participating.
All running will take place on campus and limit distance to ½ the normal run.
Middle school outdoor workouts and/or practices are limited to 1½ hours with a 10-minute break every 30 minutes.
Middle school will move indoors for all "conditioning."
Decrease repetitions and practice for overweight individuals as needed or requested.
Asthmatic students/athletes may remove themselves from the workout without penalties.
Participants must have unrestricted access to water at all times.
Recess should be limited to 20 minutes.
High school outdoor workouts and/or practices are limited to 1 hour with a 10-minute break every 30 minutes.
All "conditioning" should take place without uniforms or multiple layers of clothing and should not exceed 10 minutes.
Workouts will consist of shorts, T-shirts, and cap (optional).
All middle school workouts and/or practices will be moved indoors.
Decrease repetitions and practice for overweight individuals as needed or requested.
Asthmatic students/athletes may remove themselves from the workout without penalties.
Participants must have unrestricted access to water at all times.
Recess should be limited to 10 minutes.