Alief ISD: Alief Achieves Courtney Martin from Outley Elementary named Teach Plus Policy Fellows

Courtney Martin from Outley Elementary has been named one of the Teach Plus Policy Fellows. Read below to learn more about his journey as educator and the Teach Plus Policy Fellowship.


Hello, my name is Courtney Martin, a dedicated educator with 12 years of teaching experience, currently serving in Alief ISD. Over the past nine years, I've had the privilege of teaching 2nd and 4th grade at Outley Elementary. My passion for education extends beyond the classroom, as I continuously seek opportunities to expand my knowledge and toolkit. This drive led me to pursue the Teach Plus Policy Fellowship, where I have been able to delve deeper into the world of educational policy.

The Teach Plus Policy Fellowship

The Teach Plus Policy Fellowship is a highly selective and rigorous program designed for exceptional teachers who aspire to deepen their understanding of education policy, expand their influence, and lead in shaping policy and advocacy efforts. Participating in this fellowship has been transformative, offering me invaluable insights and skills that have broadened my perspectives on educational policies and practices.

Key Takeaways from the Fellowship

- Informed Decision Making: I have gained a comprehensive understanding of how education policies are created, implemented, and evaluated. This knowledge empowers me to make informed decisions that can positively impact my school and district.

- Advocacy Skills: The fellowship has equipped me with the tools to effectively voice concerns, propose solutions, and collaborate with stakeholders. My ability to advocate for the needs of my students, colleagues, and community has been significantly strengthened.

- Building Collaborative Networks: I have had the opportunity to connect with like-minded educators, policymakers, and leaders across Texas. These relationships have been instrumental in facilitating meaningful collaborations and driving change for all students.

- Leadership Development: Throughout the fellowship, I have honed my leadership skills, including strategic thinking, improved communication, and negotiation. These skills will empower me to assume leadership roles within my campus and district.

- Empowering Others: By understanding the policy landscape, I can empower my colleagues by sharing insights, encouraging their involvement in discussions, and leading professional development sessions.

- Bridging Policy and Practice: The fellowship emphasizes the importance of translating policy goals into actionable strategies. I have learned to ensure that policies are practical, realistic, and effective in achieving desired outcomes.


I am truly grateful for the opportunity to participate in the Teach Plus Policy Fellowship. This incredible learning experience has not only expanded my perspective but also strengthened my commitment to making a positive impact in education. I am eager to apply what I have learned to support my campus and district in meaningful ways. As I look forward to continuing this journey for a second year, I am excited to embrace all the opportunities that lie ahead and to continue being a change agent in the educational landscape.