Alief ISD Education Foundation
Pay It Forward
Alief ISD employees make a difference in the lives of students through their contributions to the Alief Education Foundation Pay-it-Forward campaign.
About the Stuff-A-Bus School Supplies and Uniforms Drive
The annual Stuff-A-Bus event benefits the Uniform Effort, a project supported by the Alief ISD Education Foundation. During this event, new and gently used school supplies and uniforms and monetary donations are accepted. All of the items collected will be used towards the Uniform Effort student pantry.

The annual Stuff-A-Bus event collects school supplies and uniforms from the community for the Uniform Effort student pantry.

Alief ISD cheerleaders, mascots, choir students, and sponsors support the annual Stuff-A-Bus by performing for community members and donating uniforms and school supplies for our pantry.