About the CIA Program
Children Interacting Afterschool is Alief Proud!
During the 2023-2024 school year, the CIA Program impacted 4,392 students in grades PK-8th
ESSER: 2,923 students
CCLC: 1,469 students
Funding Sources:
Tuition Based (Parent Paid)
21st Century Community Learning Center (CCLC)
Harris County Department of Education-CASE for Kids Partnership
Programs Offered:
Tuition Based programs are open to pre-kindergarten (@ selected campuses) through eighth-grade students attending:
∗Alexander Elementary, Boone Elementary, ∗Cummings Elementary
Heflin Elementary, Horn Elementary, Kennedy Elementary, Liestman Elementary, ∗Mahanay Elementary, Martin Elementary, Outley Elementary, and Miller Intermediate
**Students in the program at Boone, Horn, & Kennedy Elementary are transported to Cummings Elementary.
**Students in the program at Alexander Elementary are transported to Liestman Elementary.
21st Century Community Learning Centers are open to kindergarten through eighth-grade students attending:
Alief Middle, Best Elementary, Budewig Intermediate, Collins Elementary, Hearne Elementary, Killough Middle, Landis Elementary, O'Donnell Middle, Smith Elementary, and Youens Elementary

Daily Programming